Prospective Students


All registration is on-line through FACTS.  FACTS is an integrated program that connects administration, the classroom and the home. If you are enrolling for the first time, you will need to contact the school office to get a link to begin the process.

There is a $25 enrollment fee which can be submitted through adventistschoolpay link found on the home page of the website. There are no additional fees for using this link for payment.  You may also submit payment to the school office.

More registraton information is on the home page.

Coble Elementary School
450 Academy Drive SW
Calhoun, GA 30701
Phone: 706.629.1578
FAX: 706.629.2203

 Application Process
In this process, parents of students will fill out the registration information page with address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and etc.

Parents and students agree and electronically sign the Technology use agreement, Media Release form, Anti-bulling Pledge, and School Uniform policy.  The consent to treat form will need to be printed (or copies can also be picked up at the school office), filled out, signed and returned to school to be used in case of an emergency. 

 Parent Information

 School Uniform Information 

• Consent to Treatment 

 Classroom Supply List


  • Safety is very important for Children. We like all our parents to complete the "Verified Volunteers" online Screening Verification program. It is required for entering the school halls, or lunchroom during school hours and to be a room parents, or sponsor a field trip or before transporting any of the students in your vehicle and etc. Click on the above link for complete details.

Go to
Click on the First Time Registration Button
Select Southern Union from the dropdown list of unions
Select Georgia-Cumberland Conference from the dropdown list of conferences
Create a user ID (prefer to be your email address) and a password

Other pertinent information--the school's handbook, safety plan, etc.--can be found on the Documents page.